Our Little Farm Dog…

Our Little Farm Dog…

This is just a little video of our dog Domino.  She is a Cavalier Spaniel that has been misplaced on our FARM ??  Definitely not the Farm Dog that we have been use to (Australian Shepherds), but she has grown to be a great part of our family.  I hope you enjoy this little video of this great little dog.

Just sitting around…


and having fun in the yard.  Living on the farm means beautiful summer evenings sitting in the yard, right ??  Well that is what our little dog thinks anyway ??  She thinks this chair is hers and if she is outside, you can generally find her resting under the tree in this chair.  She is so funny.  Found her in her chair the other evening, and thought it would be fun to do a photo session with her, so here are just a couple of pictures that I took.  She is such a good little model.


Outside my Window.

Outside my Window.

I was sitting here in my family room this morning contemplating what to post today. Then I looked out my window and saw this peaceful view. That is when I thought of it. It is a beautiful crisp morning out there today, and a welcome sight after all the gloomy weather that we have been having. I think I will go out and enjoy some of the serenity that mother nature has given us today.

Domino Watching out for Storms

Domino Watching out for Storms

This is a picture of our little dog Domino. She was out in the yard watching out for storms tonight. Then she came in to let us know that there was one coming. She is really a little scaredy cat. It was all I could do to get her to sit for this picture. I do like taking pictures right before, or right after a storm. Gotta love the lighting

Little Domino on the Farm…

Little Domino on the Farm...

Once again I would like you to let me know what you think needs to be done with this picture if anything. I am trying to get better at taking them and need to know what to do…

I think it is a pretty good picture…