Why did I create this page?

Good question, and one that I have asked myself many times.  The main reason is because I have always wanted to create a blog, but couldn’t ever figure out what I felt strong enough about to create one.  That is until now.
The most important reason is because of a personal event that happened a few years back.  In a spring storm, a tornado hit our barn.   We were very blessed, in that, there was no damage to our home.  That day, we had several (4) very kind neighbors that were driving around after the storm to see if there was any damage around the countryside, stop by to help us get some cattle out of the rubble.
In the days, weeks, and months that followed, I noticed  something, and this something for some reason really threw me for a loop.  We did not get one call asking if we needed anything.   We had people driving by to check out the damage, but no one stopped.  This really started me thinking.  Why not?  Did no one even care??  I really don’t think this is the case, but that is how it made me feel.
It really started me thinking about how I react in situations like this, and guess what ??  I am just as guilty.
Sometimes, I step back from some of these situations because I don’t know what to say, or what I could possibly offer.  What I learned from this?  It really doesn’t take much.  Just a call to let people know you care.
I am using this situation to change myself and how I react to situations.  It has become my personal goal to be more kind.  I will try my best to do what I can to spread some kindness to others.  Will I be perfect at it ??  NO !!  But it is my goal to do better.
I would also like to challenge everyone to do better when it comes to kindness.  If everyone can do just a little bit better, this world will be a much better place.